About: studiogreen

Suspendisse semper imperdiet quam vel placerat. Integer dictum arcu eget quam molestie sed laoreet arcu porttitor. Vivamus a est mi, laoreet interdum nisl. Nunc condimentum, mauris non lobortis fermentum, sapien nulla vestibulum nisi, vitae pretium velit nisl interdum dolor. Praesent ornare, lacus sit amet faucibus rhoncus, neque sem malesuada urna, ut interdum odio leo sit amet dolor. Aenean ullamcorper condimentum eros, sit amet sollicitudin orci fringilla a. Donec imperdiet blandit odio, id molestie velit faucibus et.

Recent Posts by studiogreen

Comprehensive Assessment

A comprehensive assessment consists of the administration and interpretation of a battery of tests.  The tests usually consist of educationally related psychological tests, including tests of intelligence and cognitive abilities,...
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ADD/ADHD Screening

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can impact a student’s ability to learn and oftentimes can delay the student’s educational progress.  The ADD/ADHD Screening package includes an evaluation of the student’s cognitive...
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Developmental Delay Screening

For parents concerned about whether or not their child is meeting the appropriate developmental milestones, a screening is conducted in the following areas: cognitive, social-emotional, communication, physical, and adaptive behavior....
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Intelligence Testing

Intelligence tests measure a student’s overall learning potential.  Intelligence testing is the estimation of a student’s current intellectual functioning through the performance of various tasks designed to measure different types...
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